1 Kings 17:14

About Us

Our Beginning

Bread and Oil was founded after a Sunday encounter between the founder, Jera Culbert, and a homeless gentleman in a restaurant. The restaurant was a bit crowded that day, so the group she was with was seated near the front door.

As they were finishing eating, a homeless gentleman came in and said that he needed to speak to someone in the restaurant. The restaurant host said, “There was no one in there that he needed to speak to” because he was homeless. However, the homeless gentleman was adamant that he needed to speak to someone in the restaurant.

The restaurant host, of course, was somewhat sarcastic and said, “So who is it that you need to speak with?” and the homeless gentleman walked over to me, looked me in the eyes, and said, “Will you feed me?” and I immediately asked for a menu and handed it to him, and all he asked for was French fries. I asked if that was all you wanted, and he said yes. The restaurant allowed him to set up and eat his French fries.

While those around her may not have understood why he approached her, she did. For Ms. Culbert, the confirmation she needed was from the very representative she was called to feed. It was loud and clear, no mistaken it!

Our Purpose

With our beginning in mind, our purpose is to be a meal on wheels ministry that provides healthy and nutritious meals to the homeless in our communities.

What Are We Doing?

Bread and Oil wanted to be a part of the solution. It’s easy to stay on the sideline and shake our heads, but it’s quite another to roll up your sleeves and get to work to make a difference, which is exactly what Bread and Oil is doing: ministering to those in need, or, in other words, serving them with food, and personal hygiene items. We serve with lots of compassion, and encouragement.

It’s heartwarming to see their smiles and the overwhelming thank yous they give us because they know we care through our actions. We believe that positive changes still occur in life, and that their current situation can change unexpectedly.